Kept in check

My dance shoes are collecting dust, I’m sad to say.  Being so entrenched in the work of getting work, I hadn’t noticed.  Then one of my friends asked if I’ve been dancing lately (now that I’ve got all of this “free” time).  I said, “No.  Every moment is dedicated to some aspect of this project.  I either run out of time by the end of the day, or I’m simply exhausted because of it.”  She was both impressed and horrified.

Her reaction has been my call to action.  I actually did have every intention of going last weekend.  Told my dance friends to save a dance for me.  Whadaya know- I made the time, but I also had a massive, unshakeable headache.  (I think everything is catching up with me).  I wussed out.  I told myself the dull nuisance between the temples can put a damper on a good time out.  What kind of dance enthusiast doesn’t go out dancing?  I’ve always been one to strive for balance.  What am I doing now?

I have a long list of things to do in preparation for next week but at least this time, the dance is also on that list.

8 Responses to “Kept in check”

  1. Michael Castro Says:

    If you want to salsa dance try to make it to the Oxnard salsa Festival July 25-26.Great bands and alot of nice people who LOVE to Salsa dance.Say Hi to my Cousin Rosemary for me Please.

    • Sounds like a blast. I’ll just be getting back into town but maybe I can persuade Rosemary. I sent her your regards. Queremos bailar!

  2. John and Pam Rayment Says:

    Hi Jane: Very disappointed that you are no longer on ABC7 . We always enjoyed you. We thought you would be a good candidate for Dancing with the Stars. Good Luck in your future ventures and we hope we see you on air again.

    • I enjoyed the experience as well. Who wouldn’t love to be on Dancing with the Stars? You never know, right? Let’s hold that thought. I’ll wipe the dust off the dancing shoes just in case.

  3. Me, you, dance floor…one week in Miami.
    Problem solved.

  4. jean claude Henri Says:

    Jane, chill, it will all come together. You know that. I miss waking up to your beauty every morning . I wish you the very best in your new endeaver. Jean Claude

  5. Michael Castro Says:

    GO Dancing Go Jane Go.

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