I’ve moved!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 21, 2009 by Jane

Quick FYI-in case you’ve subscribed to the cjanerun blog… I’ve moved to janemonreal.wordpress.com.

In case you get to my blog via http://www.janemonreal.com and you’re still seeing this post, give the homepage a good ole refresh.  Or, empty out your cache.

Otherwise, nothing else has changed.  See you over there!

Counterproductive Multi-tasking

Posted in Just Thinking on July 20, 2009 by Jane

Still need to unpack.  But first check email.  Answer half of one email and open up another.  After answering a phone call, instead of going back to the email situation, I begin to dive into the piles of organized mess all over another table.  Sound familiar?  This is my life right now.  Scattered.  Besides sending out a few emails out, I did not cross anything off any of my 3 to-do lists.  I’ve made dents small and large in a slew of tasks, but I can  see why it’s good not to  leave any unfinished business.  It just hangs there.  There is just no satisfaction.  I’ve prided myself in being able to complete a hundred things at once but for some reason, I can’t get it together!  Sure, the post vacation hangover sets in a little bit.  Winding up always takes a bit longer than to wind down.  I’m aware that my overwhelmed feeling is actually keeping me from  getting any one thing done.  Maybe by “confessing,” I can now clear my conscience then clear my living room.  I’ll try again tomorrow.


Posted in Outings, See Jane Run Show on July 19, 2009 by Jane

Guess who’s baaaccckk???  Hey party people, what’s new in the land of Angels?  I didn’t mean to be missing in action, but when it comes to visiting with family (and having the beau meet the family for the first time… gulp), I can barely find a moment to post a tweet.  You know how it is.

Now I remember why I usually don’t go to Florida during summertime.  (I did go back for one day last summer, but it was on my way to Cancun).  It’s HOT!  2-3 showers a day- HOT.  Sweating in the shade- HOT.  If you haven’t experienced REAL humidity, go to the east coast.  Then, you will laugh with the rest of us when SoCal’s “humid” summer is the top news story.  If only for the weather, I’m glad to be back.

The great thing about having a visitor is doing the things you would normally not do.  In all of my time growing up in south Florida, I never went on an airboat tour of the everglades.  Check!  As a bonus, I met the acquaintance of resident 7-ft. alligator, Lily.



South beach always a different experience- the cheesey factor is always good for people watching.  The new Mondrian Hotel is over-the-top Miami.  Lario’s Cuban restaurant (Gloria Estefan’s) has to-die-for shredded steak and chicken with onions on a skillet (mouth is watering just thinking about it). Mango’s on Ocean is still the place to find hot salsa dancers doing their thing on top of the bar.

Gator Park

Gator Park

Pool/Catwalk at the Raleigh Hotel

Pool/Catwalk at the Raleigh Hotel

I also worked… if you can call it that.  Just so happens that Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim’s kickoff party was held last week.  Only in Miami (and maybe, Europe somewhere) can the photographers partake in a cold Peroni Italian beer or a rasberry Chambord cocktail at an open bar, while waiting for the sexy swim babes to strut their stuff.  The shallow water outlining the whole pool was used as a makeshift runway!  It’s going to make for a great webisode on See Jane Run, due mid-August.

Alright, that’ll do it for now.  Just getting back into the swing of things, and since I’m still on east coast time, that makes a very late night for me.  Eyelids are heavy.

Have a great week!


Posted in Just Thinking, Outings on July 12, 2009 by Jane

Hey everyone!  After last week’s hectic week, I got out of dodge and grabbed a red-eye flight to meet some girlfriends in St. Petersburg, FL.  (I’m going to put up the video blog at one point, but since I’m still on vaca, it’s not going to be anytime soon)!

Just a quick weekend, but it’s always one that recharges everybody.  Since our days in college, the gals have married the great husband and have had the 2 gorgeous kids, so they don’t get out that much anymore.  I’m a late bloomer in that department (but I’m also younger than the others- that’s gotta count for something).  😉  But my point is that after hearing my girlfriends talk about putting themselves 3rd or 4th on the priority list, it seems like it’s more important than ever to carve out that time and do something for yourself.  I understand that it’s also more difficult, even if it’s only once a year for a weekend, but that’s why we plan several months out.  Female bonding is the kind of soul food that some people don’t get, but who else can appreciate storytelling without missing every little detail?  We live for that stuff!

Kerry, Jane, Gina, Julia in front of Pacific Wave for sushi

Kerry, Jane, Gina, Julia in front of Pacific Wave for sushi

And kudos to our guys who buy the airline tickets, offer to watch the kids, encourage us into spending that time away.  Everyone appreciates everyone else when it’s all done!  Until next year BFF’s…

The Digital Age

Posted in Just Thinking, Uncategorized on July 8, 2009 by Jane

For someone who more than dabbles with social media, you’d think by now, I would have an I-phone, Blackberry, or Palm Pre.  I don’t.  In part, because the people around me that have them, are always on them.  They are my friends.  I went on vacation once with one girlfriend who couldn’t get off the phone.  She didn’t look up anymore.  I still like to have a conversation at lunch, but we were constantly interrupted by the buzzing phone on the table next to the butter knife.  I just didn’t want to be that person.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while.  Some of you have given your input on my twitter page- too cool, thanks for that.  Number one- after not checking emails all day (which I have to admit, is quite liberating), I had a boatload of them waiting at the end of an already long day.  But after a full day of sessions listening to everything related to digital content (and now, having made the transition to “producer of original content for tv and the web”), I am ready to come of digital age completely.  Now back to I-phone, Blackberry, or Palm pre…  I’m about to give in.

Reflection and Remembrance

Posted in Just Thinking on July 7, 2009 by Jane

I still can’t believe it, can you?  I haven’t even seen the whole MJ memorial, but from what I’ve seen it looked like an elegant program.  I know that I’m already saying everything that’s been said in the media.  “He was larger than life.  King of Pop is not even enough.”  Agreed!  He was a servant, a humanitarian, the epitome  of entertainer.  Doesn’t it make you think about your own mortality and the mark you leave at the end of this life?  Take it a step further- do you wonder what would be said at your own eulogy?  I knew a professor once, whose class project was to ask his students to write their own eulogy.  At 18 years old.  After project was completed, he made it a point to tell them to live what they wrote and to also never let things go unsaid.  I know, it’s kind of deep.  Not trying to be morbid.  Just reflective.  It’s all good.

We’ve Only Just Begun

Posted in Just Thinking, Outings, Uncategorized on July 6, 2009 by Jane

C’mon.  Sing it with me, “… to live.  White lace and promises…”

It sure feels good to be on the other side of this event, let me tell you.  It’s like cramming for a test, then just wanting to get it over with.  Remember that feeling? Man!  Anticipation kills.  (If you’ve been following my blog, you know my production team has been prepping for several months for this day- this week- this opportunity to get into the game).  Before meeting- very quiet in the car, except for the occasional sigh or loud exhale.  Furrowed brows and tight jaw muscles going up the escalator.  What were we so worked up for?  After meeting-a complete 180.  Grins ear to ear.  Bounce in the step.  Shoulders lowered back down from ear height.

Jane and Rosemary- Done for the day and smiling again

Jane and Rosemary- Done for the day and smiling again

This day marked as Day 1- Meeting 1.  It went well.  Actually, well enough that it’s to be continued.  Thanks for your positive thoughts.  Haven’t signed on the dotted line yet, but I’m feeling the Carpenters’ sentiment once again.  “A kiss for luck and we’re on our way.”

Yield to the right

Posted in Just Thinking on July 3, 2009 by Jane

Or, is it to the left?  What to do?  Two groups of people are walking down a sidewalk opposite direction, and one of the groups comes barreling down head on.  This being July 4 holiday weekend (and a beautiful one at that), there are going to be a bunch of people out and about.  Today, walking through the canals of Venice (CA) on those skinny sidewalks, there were some folks apparently not familiar with sidewalk etiquette.  Honestly, can we all get along?  Where’s Ms. Manners when you need her?  So again, with the holiday weekend, a little courtesy goes a long way.  Yield and smile.  And say, “Happy 4th of July,” won’t you?

(Short and sweet.  Have a great weekend.  I’m doing nothing but prepping for what I hope to be a Happy 6th of July).

Kept in check

Posted in Just Thinking, Uncategorized on July 2, 2009 by Jane

My dance shoes are collecting dust, I’m sad to say.  Being so entrenched in the work of getting work, I hadn’t noticed.  Then one of my friends asked if I’ve been dancing lately (now that I’ve got all of this “free” time).  I said, “No.  Every moment is dedicated to some aspect of this project.  I either run out of time by the end of the day, or I’m simply exhausted because of it.”  She was both impressed and horrified.

Her reaction has been my call to action.  I actually did have every intention of going last weekend.  Told my dance friends to save a dance for me.  Whadaya know- I made the time, but I also had a massive, unshakeable headache.  (I think everything is catching up with me).  I wussed out.  I told myself the dull nuisance between the temples can put a damper on a good time out.  What kind of dance enthusiast doesn’t go out dancing?  I’ve always been one to strive for balance.  What am I doing now?

I have a long list of things to do in preparation for next week but at least this time, the dance is also on that list.

You are what you wear

Posted in Just Thinking, Outings on July 1, 2009 by Jane

It’s crunch time.  This week already rough.  We knew that going in.  But something came down the pipeline, and anyone in their right mind would want to jump on it.  Sooo add to our already highly anticipated week, my business partner and I have confirmed another meeting with one VIP for Monday…days earlier than expected.  We’re ecstatic, but like I told a friend after canceling tomorrow’s lunch, “Now, we’re in overdrive.”

Well, you’d think we’d be spending our day in the office, researching and rehearsing our presentation.  Nope.  We spent most of the day out shopping.  If you know me well enough, you know I never turn down a day of shopping.  But, this was not that kind of shopping.  It’s the not knowing what you’re looking for, but knowing that you’ll know when you see it, you know?  So vague.  So frustrating.  (I find that this also applies to cars, employment, and people).  The goal?  Dress to impress.  The budget?  Not so impressive.

Anyway, Rosemary and I went to one mall.  Nada.  Goose egg.  Zero.  Zilch.  None.  Big doughnut.  We wore the wrong shoes.  Our feet ached.  My eyes were red with fatigue.  We were hungry to the point of headaches and crankiness.  Onwards to another mall driving in rush hour, no less.  Then!  I finally saw it.  *Girly part here…. A black and white dress  with short sleeves, v-neck, and the slightest ruching on the side that cinched at the waist.  Fitting without being vulgar.  Refined yet sassy.  My size.  It had my name on it.  Best part?  The price.  Soooo on sale with a bonus coupon on top of that!  Sealed the deal.  Already, I feel great about going into Monday’s meeting.

Now, back to that research…